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dc.contributor.authorЦибрій, Юрій Олександрович-
dc.contributor.authorГрабовський, Георгій Геннадійович-
dc.identifier.citationTsibriy IuriyHeat exchange calculation in the intermediate container under electron-beam melting / Iuriy Tsibriy,Heorhiy Grabovskiy // Metallurgical and Mining Industry – 2015. –№5 – pp.51–60.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe model of titanium liquid melt heating in the intermediate container of electron-beam furnace is developed considering its flow. On the basis of the developed mathematical model, a series of numerical experiments was conducted using finite-element method and finite-difference method. The analysis of model parameters effect on the melt temperature field formation was carried out. These researches results may be useful for the further development of electron-beam guns control algorithms.uk_UA
dc.publisherMetallurgical and Mining Industryuk_UA
dc.subjectelectron-beam furnaceuk_UA
dc.subjectelectron-beam gunuk_UA
dc.subjectintermediate containeruk_UA
dc.subjecttemperature distributionuk_UA
dc.subjecttitanium meltuk_UA
dc.subjectprogram of heat exchange calculation in the area under investigationuk_UA
dc.titleHeat exchange calculation in the intermediate container under electron-beam meltinguk_UA
dc.specialityМеталургія, моделювання тепло-масопереносу, автоматизаціяuk_UA
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