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dc.contributor.authorIgnatovich, S.R.-
dc.contributor.authorMenou, A.-
dc.contributor.authorKaruskevich, M.V.-
dc.contributor.authorMaruschak, P.O.-
dc.descriptionTheoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, Volume 65uk_UA
dc.description.abstractIt was shown by tests conducted at the National Aviation University (Kiev, Ukraine) that fatigue damage of metal structures may be estimated by sensors with the surface relief pattern to indicate the accumulated fatigue damage. The nature of the deformation relief has been investigated by the light, scan and transmission microscopy, as well as by a new nano-interferometer, developed at the National Aviation University. Fractal analysis of the surface patterns based on box-counting method has proved the efficiency of fractal geometry application for additional quantitative description of such surface structures. The evolution of deformation relief parameters on the sensors surface is determined by the process of the sensor and construction fatigue damage accumulation.uk_UA
dc.publisherElsevier Science Publishing Company, Inc.uk_UA
dc.subjectFatigue damageuk_UA
dc.subjectStrain localizationuk_UA
dc.subjectCyclic loadinguk_UA
dc.subjectDeformation reliefuk_UA
dc.titleFatigue damage and sensor development for aircraft structural health monitoringuk_UA
dc.specialityReliability and durabilityuk_UA
Располагается в коллекциях:Статті в наукових виданнях кафедри конструкції літальних апаратів

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