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dc.contributor.authorKostianetska D.en
dc.contributor.authorКостянецька Дарія Олександрівнаuk_UA
dc.contributor.authorКостянецкая Дарья Александровнаru
dc.contributor.authorAgieieva Galynaen
dc.contributor.authorАгєєва Галина Миколаївнаuk_UA
dc.contributor.authorАгеева Галина Николаевнаru
dc.identifier.citationKostianetska D., Agieieva G. Cargo aviation complex as a basis for the establishment of a international airport // International scientific - practical conference of young scientists «BUILD‐MASTER‐CLASS‐2017» 28 of November – 01 December 2017: Conference program and proceedings. – P.87.en
dc.description.abstractCargo transportation is a component of the aviation industry in Ukraine. The project «Strategy for the Development» (2017) is assumed as not only the creation of an international airport, but also the successful use of the significant industrial potential of the city Bila Tserkva, which can engage foreign investment in development of the tourism industry. Thus, on the territory of the Kiev region there may be another international airport, the design of which requires the solution of a complex of urban, technological and other issues which are closely related with the functioning of the existing cargo complex (aerodrome, industrial site, air traffic control building, hangars, etc.).en
dc.subjectaviation industryen
dc.subjectcargo transportationen
dc.subjectBila Tserkvaen
dc.titleCargo aviation complex as a basis for the establishment of a international airporten
Розташовується у зібраннях:Матеріали конференцій кафедри інфраструктури авіаційного транспорту

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