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dc.contributor.authorYanovsky, Felix-
dc.contributor.authorProkopenko, I.G.-
dc.contributor.authorLigthart, L.P.-
dc.description.abstractIn this paper the adaptive algorithms for radar signals processing are developed and applied to the detection of turbulent zones in rain. Efficiency of the algorithms is analyzed by statistical modeling. Simulation of weather radar signals and testing of the processing algorithms are performed for comparative analysis of the developed algorithms and known pulse-pair algorithm. The results demonstrate a significant superiority of adaptive algorithms in comparison with the known one. The main emphasis is done to the two-sample algorithm. Algorithms are tested by using the data of Doppler-polarimetric remote sensing of rain. Two-sample algorithm is checked by using radar measurements. Experimental check confirms high efficiency of the two-sample adaptive algorithm. It is recommended for practical use in weather radars.en
dc.publisherProc. SPIE Vol. 6159, Photonics Applications in Astronomy, Communications, Feb 2006, 322-329.en
dc.titleRadar turbulence detection: statistical synthesis and experimental check of adaptive algorithmsen
Располагается в коллекциях:Наукові статті кафедри електроніки, робототехніки і технологій моніторингу та інтернету речей

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