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Title: Antimicrobial properties of biologically active substances of ginger root extract
Authors: Васильченко, Ольга Анатоліївна
Кудас, В.Є.
Keywords: antimicrobial properties
ginger root extract
biologically active substances
Issue Date: Sep-2014
Citation: Kudas V., Vasylchenko O.A. Antimicrobial properties of biologically active substances of ginger root extract / Aviation in the XXI-st century. Safety in Aviation and Space Technologies: The sixth world congress, September 23-25, 2014: proceedings. – Kyiv, 2014. – V.2. – P.5.4.20-5.4.23.
Abstract: This work considers the investigation of biologically active substances of ginger root extract antimicrobial properties and assessing the feasibility of ginger root extract using as antimicrobial agent. Main characteristics of ginger root biologically active substances and ginger effect on human body are explained.
Appears in Collections:Наукові праці співробітників кафедри біотехнології

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