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dc.contributor.authorВасильченко, Ольга Анатоліївна-
dc.contributor.authorSviatenko, O.V.-
dc.contributor.authorGorbatiuk, O.B.-
dc.identifier.citationVasylchenko O.A. Application of immunoglobulin-binding proteins A, G, L in the affinity chromatography / O.A. Vasylchenko, O.V. Sviatenko, O.B. Gorbatiuk // Biotechnologia acta. – 2014. – V. 7. – №2. – P.34-45..uk_UA
dc.description.abstractProteins A, G and L are native or recombinant proteins of microbial origin that bind to mammalian immunoglobulins. Preferably recombinant variants of proteins A, G, L are used in biotechnology for affinity sorbents production. Сomparative characteristics of proteins A, G, L and affinity sorbents on the basis of them, advantages and disadvantages of these proteins application as ligands in the affinity chromatography are done. Analysis of proteins A, G, L properties is presented. Binding specificities and affinities of these proteins differ between species and antibody subclass. Protein А has high affinity to human IgG1, IgG2, IgG4, mouse IgG2a, IgG2b, IgG3, goat and sheep IgG2, dog, cat, guinea pig, rabbit IgG. Protein G binds strongly to human, mouse, cow, goat, sheep and rabbit IgG. Protein L has ability of strong binding to immunoglobulin kappa-chains of human, mouse, rat and pig. Expediency of application of affinity chromatography with usage of sorbents on the basis of immobilized proteins A, G, L are shown for isolation and purification of antibodies different classes. Previously mentioned method is used as an alternative to conventional methods of protein purification, such as ion-exchange, hydrophobic interactions, metal affinity chromatography, ethanol precipitation due to simplicity in usage, possibility of one-step purification process, obtaining of proteins high level purity, multiuse at maintenance of proper storage and usage conditions. Affinity sorbents on the basis of immobilized proteins A, G, L are used not only for antibodies purification, but also for extraction of different antibodies fractions from blood serum.uk_UA
dc.subjectaffinity chromatographyuk_UA
dc.subjectStaphylococcus protein Аuk_UA
dc.subjectpeptostreptococcal protein Luk_UA
dc.subjectprotein Guk_UA
dc.titleApplication of immunoglobulin-binding proteins A, G, L in the affinity chromatographyuk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Наукові праці співробітників кафедри біотехнології

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