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Title: Biotechnological aspects of hydrocarbons biodegradation
Authors: Васильченко, Ольга Анатоліївна
Aliieva, O.R.
Matvyeyeva, O.L.
Salata, A.M.
Keywords: hydrocarbons
petroleum pollution
Issue Date: 2012
Citation: Vasylchenko O. A. Biotechnological aspects of hydrocarbons biodegradation / O. A. Vasylchenko, O. R. Aliievа, O. L. Matvеyeva, A. M. Salata // Біотехнологія. - 2012. - Т. 5, № 2. - С. 41-50.
Abstract: In review the present situation of petroleum pollution, its consequences and basic oil composition are described. The up to date survey of hydrocarbon degradation microbiology and major strains are presented with respect to following practical introduction of obtained data. A general characteristic of oil hydrocarbons biodegradation is done. Biodegradation metabolism of petroleum products different categories and its biochemistry are described. Principal biochemical pathways are indicated. Biotechnological properties of hydrocarbon degrading microorganisms including that of industrial significance are investigated. Much attention is given to biological and environmental factors that influence completeness and rate of hydrocarbons biodegradation. It was established that microorganisms consortium biodegradation is faster and more complete that single species ones. The effects of hydrocarbons presence in medium on biochemical and cytological levels of microbial metabolism are also analyzed. The major methods of microbial resistance to petroleum products toxic influence are described. It is shown that one of the most important among them is metabolic processes shifting towards surfactants.
Appears in Collections:Наукові праці співробітників кафедри біотехнології

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