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dc.contributor.authorChynchenko, Yu.V.-
dc.contributor.authorKim, I.M.-
dc.contributor.authorSamartseva, O.S.-
dc.contributor.authorVakhrina, V.O.-
dc.description.abstractThe experimental research of terminal control area operations under uncertainty conditions is considered. The Identification and assessment of threat factors in air traffic controller operation, identification of the point of controllers’ extreme operational conditions appearance and recommendations on associated errors capture and mitigation and improvement of airspace structure on the strategic planning phase are considered.uk_UA
dc.publisherProceedings of the sixth world congress “Aviation in the XXI-st century” “Safety in aviation and space technology”uk_UA
dc.subjectair traffic servicesuk_UA
dc.titleExperimental research of terminal control area operations under uncertainty conditionsuk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Матеріали конференцій кафедри аеронавігаційних систем

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