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dc.contributor.authorPolishchuk, I.-
dc.contributor.authorKhotsianovska, N.-
dc.descriptionCourse Training Program (CTP) on “Transport Law” is developed based on the “Methodical guidance for the subject course training program”, approved by the order № 249/од, of 29.04.2021 and corresponding normative documents.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe place of the subject in the system of professional training. The subject “Transport Law” is aimed at forming a comprehensive understanding of the system of international regulatory and legal regulation of relations in the transport sphere. Main target to study the subject of the subject is to provide students with such a volume of knowledge in the field of transport law that would be sufficient for independent and competent orientation in modern conditions, making informed decisions on legal issues within the limits of their competence, solving various practical problems related to legal regulation of relations in the transport sector that may arise in their future professional activities. The tasks of the discipline are: mastering knowledge of current international and national transport legislation and trends in its development; mastering the basic concepts and legal norms of transport law, acquiring the skills of interpretation and application of these norms in real practice; mastering the methods and means of transport law as a branch of law; study of the place of transport law among other branches of law; study of modern trends and problems of the development of transport law; study of the history of formation, development and current state of transport law in the international and national legal system.uk_UA
dc.publisherNation Aviation Universityuk_UA
dc.subjecttransport lawuk_UA
dc.subjectair transportuk_UA
dc.subjectroad transportuk_UA
dc.subjectrailway transportuk_UA
dc.titleCourse Training Program on "Transport law"uk_UA
dc.typeWorking Paperuk_UA
Appears in Collections:Робочі навчальні програми навчальних дисциплін кафедри господарського, повітряного та космічного права

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